ChildsLife provides humanitarian aid to communities in Ukraine and to refugee families. The assistance offered is diverse and adapted to individual needs of communities and displaced mothers and their children. ChildsLife provided generators and heating systems to a...
ChildsLife built a medical clinic for the Maasai Oloropil community in Kajiado, Kenya. The need for the Oloropil clinic was very high. The area has never had medical facilities before and this is the first clinic. The nearest small first aid post used to be 15...
In 2019, ChildsLife launched its first female genital mutilation (FGM) prevention program in Kuria, Kenya. Here we are partner with a number of communities and tribes to save girls from FGM. In the program we work with the girls, boys, their parents, community...
Child abandonment continues to be a concern in rural areas in Romania. To counter this problem, the ChildsLife program First Step in Life was launched in cooperation with Romanian Child Protection offices. In this program women in socially challenging situations are...