ChildsLife Accreditation
ChildsLife is registered with and accredited by the relevant authorities and tax offices in The Netherlands, Kenya, Romania and the US. In order to ensure complete transparency, all ChildsLife activities are open and accessible to scrutiny by the authorities and its supporters.
ANBI Status in the Netherlands
ChildsLife The Netherlands is registered with the Dutch tax office as a non-profit institution (ANBI status), ensuring maximum tax benefits for the organization and donors.
To meet the ANBI status, the tax authorities set a number of publication conditions. ChildsLife meets these conditions.
Click here for the ChildsLife ANBI form of ChildsLife.
CBF Accreditation
For 15 years, ChildsLife held the CBF accreditation. It was important for ChildsLife and appropriate for a growing organization in development.
However, in recent years, the costs of carrying and maintaining the CBF accreditation were no longer seen as a responsible use of funds for an organization of ChildsLife’s size. The preference is to save these costs and to use the funds directly for the programs.
After careful consideration and consultation with all stakeholders, the ChildsLife Boards of Directors and Trustees have therefore chosen not to continue the accreditation as of January 1, 2017.
ChildsLife’s transparent way of working has not changed. ChildsLife maintains the ANBI status and the accounts are audited annually by accredited Beuk Accountants of Velsen-Zuid in the Netherlands.
501c3 Status in the USA
ChildsLife USA is geregistreerd als non-profit met 501c3 status. Dit houdt in dat ChildsLife erkend is door de belastingdienst van de Verenigde staten, hetgeen belastingvoordeel oplevert voor zowel donateurs als de organisatie.
ChildsLife Kenya NGO registration
ChildsLife Kenya is an experienced NGO founded in 1996 and has been officially registered as a non-profit organization under section 10 of the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act since 2005. In addition, ChildsLife Kenya is member of several unions. It works closely with the National Aids Control Council (NACC). It is also a member of the Kenya Aids NGOs Consortium and The Kibera NGO Network.
ChildsLife Romania NGO registratie
ChildsLife Romania has been officially accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Elderly. In order to safeguard quality of social services, Romanian law requires all social services providers to be scrutinized and accredited by the Ministry. In 2019 ChildsLife Romania was issued with a new accreditation which is valid for 3 years.