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Severe flooding Central and Eastern Europe

The severe weather in Central and Eastern Europe  has caused enormous devastation and flooding. Several people died, streets flooded, entire neighborhoods flooded and infrastructure was destroyed. Many thousands of people had to leave their homes.

The Vaslui region in eastern Romania, where ChildsLife has been operating for more than 27 years, has also been severely affected. Here too, many vulnerable families no longer have shelter and their meager household goods have been lost.

Also in this crisis situation ChildsLife will act swiftly!

Hard work has been done in recent days to bring people to safety. Emergency shelter has been set up for the families whose homes are uninhabitable.

Currently, the damage is being assessed and we will determine for each family what is needed to regain life and make the home livable again. Our goal is to provide assistance to 140 families in the form of replacement household goods, building materials and additional food support. 

With your donation, we will purchase the needed goods locally (in Romania).

Only with your donation can we get to work!

Will you help give the affected families their lives back?

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Severe flooding Central and Eastern Europe

Severe flooding Central and Eastern Europe

The severe weather in Central and Eastern Europe  has caused enormous devastation and flooding. Several people died, streets flooded, ...