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Medical clinic for Maasai in Kenya!


Vital health care for 12,000 people from remote Maasai community.

With the opening of the clinic on November 11th a long cherished dream came true for the vulnerable Maasai community in Oloropil, Kenya.

Until recently, there was no access to medical care. On foot, people traveled at least 15 km for the nearest first aid post. Ambulances are non-existent, people suffer unnecessarily and infant mortality is high in the area. The need for a clinic is obvious.

Several years ago ChildsLife built an elementary school with water supply here. The next step had to be access to health care and therefore ChildsLife decided to expand its cooperation with this Maasai community and look for funding.

 The importance of this project was recognized and thanks to the support of private donors and foundations including the J.C. Ruigrok Stichting, Stichting Co-op and the Anna Muntz Stichting the construction of the clinic was made possible.

ChildsLife Director Netherlands Carlian van Klarenbosch visited the clinic and says: “We are grateful and proud that through the cooperation with this Maasai community, the local county government in Kenya and our supporters from the Netherlands, this important health project has been realized and is now operational. This clinic will have a huge impact on this remote community and drastically improve the lives of many!’

ChildsLife has been working for over 25 years in Kenya, among others with various Maasai communities in the field of education, nutrition, water and healthcare, giving them tools to create an independent and healthy future.





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